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How To Have a Quiet Weekend

How To Have a Quiet Weekend

We often rush through the weekend faster than we can say Sunday Night Blues. If you are feeling run down and exhausted physically and mentally, perhaps a peaceful ride through the weekend is in order.

It may seem like a no-brainer to just relax and who doesn’t know how to do nothing? But here’s an idea — how do you recharge your batteries, ease the week’s stress, and feel purposeful as well?

These are our favorite things to do on a weekend:

Switch off from all devices. This is probably one of the hardest things to do — tune out. All weekend may not be practical or ideal but set aside at least a full morning or afternoon when you don’t even look at your laptop or mobile phone or engage in any social media.

Read a book. It helps if you do the above. Have you always read a few pages and then got distracted? Do yourself a favor and let yourself concentrate on the book you have been wanting to read for ages. Fill your mind with the book’s story and absorb the words like they are your only focus for the moment.

Exercise. If pounding on a treadmill in a gym feels like a sorry way to spend your precious weekend, opt for running outdoors or cycling. Hiking is also a great way to breathe some fresh air and clear your head.

Pamper yourself. Draw a hot bath, fill it with gorgeous-smelling bath salts, light a candle, and have a great soak. Put on a mask to nourish your skin. Or book yourself in for a nice, long massage — you deserve it.

Take a nap. If you tend to cut short on sleeping hours during the weekday, let yourself have a nap during the day on the weekend. Don’t crash for hours on end because it would keep you awake at night, but a 30-60 minute nap would do wonders to your energy levels, and it feels incredibly luxurious.

Go solo. You’ll be surprised how draining it is to hang out with other people. We’re not encouraging you to be a social hermit but resting your voice, your mind, and having some me-time can give you much-needed physical and mental rest. You can hang out with your family and friends when you are ready and rested.


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